As part of our 1:1 initiative the District utilizes the use of Apple IPads. IPads are touchscreen tablets designed by Apple. In our District, they are mainly utilized at the Elementary, however the Secondary Campus does utilize them mildly. When using the IPads please be aware of the following.

The IPads in the district are managed by 1 unifying Apple ID this eliminates IPads being locked to a person if they have to leave the district for any reason, you will not be permitted to use your personal iTunes account on school devices. Pursuant House Bill 16-1423 “Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act” Apps and Software must be approved by the I.T. Department prior to Implementation in the district. We must maintain an accurate list of software and Apps utilized in the District.

To keep the district in compliance of this law ALL APPS MUST be approved by I.T. Before it is implemented in the Hayden School District, Apps and software must not collect any Personally Identifiable Information such as Date of Birth, Address, Location, Family member information, etc. If there is a concern about an App or you question whether it is collecting any Student PII* Contact I.T. (any App that requires an account, is collecting Student PII*)

Requesting an app Install is very easy:

1.    Find your app. Name, or exact url of an app provided by Apple.

2.    Contact the I.T. Department with the exact Name, or App URL, make sure your request indicates “IPad”

3.    Once we approve the app, it will be forced via MDM to your device, and automatically installed.

If any issues arise contact the I.T. Department for additional help or troubleshooting.

For easier navigation if you no longer need an app please let us know so we can remove the app from the whitelisted app list.

Please keep in mind only free apps can be added at this time.

*"Student Personally Identifiable Information“ (Student PII) means information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual student or the student's parent or family, and that is collected, maintained, generated, or inferred by a public education entity, either directly or through a school service, or by a school service contract provider or school service on-demand provider.